
Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Still Waiting, but with Free Food

Neil is still keeping his own counsel in regard to his birth date.  I talk to him every day to let him know that it's OK that he hasn't arrived yet but that he's running out of options.  So far we've tended to concentrate on the benefits of being an "outside" baby.  But today, I was pretty blunt with him and told him that staying inside is not an option.  If he doesn't come before Monday, the doctors will evict him from my uterus, and if he doesn't leave quickly enough they'll come in and drag him out.  I'm encouraging him to be brave and leave on his own terms.  And I'm still talking up the nifty things he can do after he arrives.  Matt has started pitching in on these conversations.  I thought that baths of varying temperatures instead of perpetual prunyness is a selling point.  Matt wasn't so sure, but when I mentioned books as something worth coming out for, Matt agreed heartily. :)

I've been working on my to-do list a little during the day and going swimming every evening.  Last night Matt was busy when I wanted to go to the pool, so I went alone and had him meet me there later.  I think I made the lifeguard nervous.  He's a college kid responsible for the lives of everyone in the pool, and I'm sure he can rescue drowning people.  But I could see in his eyes that no one told him that delivering babies might be one of his lifeguarding duties. :)  He just kept watching me.  I demonstrated that I can swim and float and hoped that would put him at ease, but he didn't stop staring until Matt arrived.  I've decided that I'm going swimming every evening until Neil arrives.  It keeps me active and lets me stretch and move around.  And I figure if I'm not allowed to take baths for a while after he's born, swimming will be out of the question, too.  I'm hoping that walking to and from the pool and staying active will encourage labor to begin.  I guess it's my back up plan in case reasoning with Neil isn't enough.

Neil has been pretty perky this week.  He just played pat-pat with me for a few minutes.  He seems to spend long periods of time napping, but he wakes up several times a day to play and wiggle and kick, and he appreciates a good meal.  I've felt good, too, and also take naps, and I always enjoy a good meal.  So we're both doing fine and waiting for something exciting to happen.

I'll post something to my blog after our appointment tomorrow, but I hope to have little or nothing to report from that visit.  I've got a "welcome" coupon and a birthday coupon from joining the Captain D's club, so we'll probably have that for supper after the appointment.  I've also got a free scoop of Baskin Robbins ice cream coming to me.  If Neil holds off long enough that I feel the need to make an appointment with an acupuncturist in Elizabethtown, I could use my Ryan's coupon for a buy one, get one buffet for supper afterward.  Happy birthday to me!  If he comes before then, I'll have a baby for my birthday and will just have to get hot rolls with honey butter elsewhere. :)

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