
Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Really...I'm fine!

I get asked how I'm doing/feeling at least once a day.  I'm so fine that I don't think people believe me.  No morning sickness.  No cravings.  No unusual mood swings.  Maybe I just think nothing is unusual because my non-pregnant normal is so screwed up.  I'm hoping the rest of the pregnancy is as uneventful as the first trimester has been.
Actually, I'm in better shape now than before I was pregnant.  I've actually lost 5 pounds by eating healthier food.  And being fat before I got pregnant, my regular clothes aren't tight yet.  And Matt says my breasts aren't bigger, just denser, which is nice since my regular doctor in Madison said my breasts were not as dense as most young women.  She meant it as a compliment.  She said it makes breast exams easier (while she was doing a breast exam at an annual physical).  Of course, I didn't hear a compliment.  I heard "You have old lady boobs." :)

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

What will baby Oliver look like?

This evening I began wondering what our baby will look like.  I was sure that there were applications online that would morph my photo with Matt's to form a composite approximation of our child.  I used two different sites.  Here are the results:

I'm kind of impressed by how cute our kid could be.  In 7+ months we'll know for sure.  (I'm at 11 weeks but not expecting cuteness at the very beginning.)

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Nose Herpes: Just Another Excuse to Accessorize

Two days ago I thought I had a pimple.  It turned out to be the first blister of a herpes outbreak on the tip of my nose.  The nose photo is from this morning, after about 18 hours of treatment.

I'm very paranoid about spreading the herpes.  This outbreak on a part of my body that has never been affected before substantiates my fear.  So last night I was concerned about accidentally wiping herpes on my pillow case in my sleep and spreading it to my cheek or ear or chin.  So Matt and I put a bandage over it, which kept both the herpes and the acyclovir cream on my nose.  Normally, I take antiviral pills when I get an outbreak, but since I'm pregnant the doctor prefers spot treating with antiviral cream.  The bandage stayed on all night, which helped me sleep better because I didn't fear reinfecting myself.  And it definitely make's a fashion statement: somewhere between a beak and bandanna.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Baby Oliver: No more photogenic than his/her parents

I don't have a scanner, so I took a digital picture of the ultrasound picture, which makes it appear even more blurry than it is.  But compared to some photos of me (i.e. my first driver's license photo), it isn't that bad.  The head is to the right, an arm bud is up, and the two bumps at the other end are legs.  Above the baby, the ultrasound tech typed "baby."  It's not just graffiti in my uterus.  Though how hard core would my kid be if s/he could tag the walls at 9 weeks!?!

Matt, who asked around and found my obstetrician, neglected to tell me that my doctor is foreign and tends to say whatever comes into his head.  The doctor was a little manic and wondered why I seemed anxious. :)  I was hoping that the first appointment for a first pregnancy would be reassuring, and I think he tried.  He told me I didn't need to do anything special while pregnant, just act like a normal human being.  Unfortunately, I think that using face wash with salicylic acid and eating lunch meat is normal human activity, and I'm not supposed to do either of those.  I think the doctor will be good after I get used to him.  All of the nurses and technicians were really nice, and I haven't met the other doctor in the practice yet.