
Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Scheduled OB Visit 2 of 3 This Week

I went to the doctors' office again today for the blood glucose test.  I started fasting last night sometime after 10 p.m., but then I had heartburn at 2 a.m. and felt that if I didn't take a Tums I was going to vomit.  I didn't know if the Tums would technically break my fast and mess with my test results, but I knew I didn't want to vomit so I took one Tums.  I was supposed to fast for at least 8 hours, and I took the blood test 7.5 hours after the Tums.  It shouldn't affect the results, but the lab lady noted it just in case.  So if I pass, I pass.  If I fail, I have an excuse. :)

Poor Neil didn't move during the entire fast.  He's normally pretty quiet at night, but I didn't get a good morning smack today.  I felt sorry for him.  And the irony of having a mother fast when the concern is that her baby isn't receiving enough nutrients was not lost on me.  When I finally got to eat my bowl of raisin bran this morning, he immediately perked up.  And when I was allowed to eat my peanut butter sandwich two hours later, he greeted it with his usual enthusiasm.

After the blood draw at 9:30, we had to stick around for two hours so they could take blood again.  I didn't want to sit in the OB's office again.  I did that yesterday.  I will do that again on Thursday.  So we went to Goodwill to see if they had any preemie and newborn clothes we could get really cheap.  I got a preemie sleeper, a couple onesies, a pair of newborn jean shorts, and a couple pairs of pants.  In all I've probably spent $5 on preemie and newborn clothes, but I consider it a good investment just in case he's a 6-7 pound baby.  I also got him some 3-6 month clothes for late summer or early fall and a couple more receiving blankets.  My favorite cashier was at Goodwill again and charged me $.50 per piece for most of the items instead of $1.50.  I got a whole bag of clothes for $12.

While I was digging through bins of clothes at Goodwill, I met a mother who had a horror story about having labor induced on the due date for her third child.  She spent 49 hours in labor, "hard labor" her mother-in-law added.  She was so exhausted she almost couldn't push the baby out when the time came.  I kind of can't believe they let her labor for more than 2 days.  I didn't really need another horror story to convince me that induction is not what I want, but it possibly further strengthened my resolve to do whatever possible to avoid it.

After the second blood draw, we went to Dollar Tree.  They had a lot of good stuff this time: herb-growing kits, a heat-proof ladle (which we've needed for a while), Italian Sausage-flavor Hamburger Helper (one of our favorites), and much more.  I only bought half of what I picked up going through the store.  I tend to pick up everything I like and then make decisions before heading to check out.  It was a very productive shopping trip.

***Oh, Cathy, in case I forget to email you, Dollar Tree has plug-in air freshener refills.  This store had only Caribbean Cooler and After the Rain scents.  Our Big Lots has a berry scent and a clean linen scent.  If I see vanilla anywhere, I'll get it for you.  Anyone else have any shopping questions or requests? :)

The doctor should have my glucose test results by our appointment on Thursday.  I'm sure I'll report about it in my Thursday post-appointment post.

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