
Friday, March 5, 2010

Another Day, Another Doctor

It was time for a refill on my anti-depressants, so I had to go see my nurse practitioner, Tammy Lamb, who prescribed them to check in and get a new script.  Today my blood pressure was 110/82.  I think my blood pressure is really sensitive to stimuli.  Unlike yesterday's doctor's appointment, I was going to a doctor's office in Campbellsville that doesn't require a long drive and I was going for the purpose of getting more "happy pills" and I knew the nurse practitioner had no intention of doing anything to me or my baby.  Less stress meant better blood pressure.  Tammy also told me that she delivered healthy multiples at 34 weeks and 5 days, which is where I am today.  That made me feel better, but I still don't want to be induced.  The video at the childbirth class made it sound like nearly anything was better than induction, and I've heard horror stories, most of which ended in C-sections.

When I told Matt about today's blood pressure, I told him that I think my blood pressure at the OB is better when he's present.  The drop in blood pressure that I attributed to no longer working at Luther Memorial (still a valid hypothesis) also coincided with Matt's accompanying me to appointments.  My blood pressure has typically been better when he's with me.  He smiled and said, "So you now have empirical evidence that I need to spend a lot of time with you when you're pregnant." (I'm a little clingy for Mr. Independent sometimes.)  I told him that all I was extrapolating from the data is that he MUST go with me to the rest of my appointments for this pregnancy so that my blood pressure will please the doctors.  Though next pregnancy, I'll probably go with his interpretation of the data. :)

I've also decided that on Monday, I'll have the doctor define "significant progress" more specifically.  If we're going to be graded, I want to know the criteria and grading scale.  I've proven before that if you give me a syllabus, I'll find a way to get a good grade, whether it's an A in Lifetime Fitness or a B in a grad school class after the professor recommended I drop it because of absences.  Give us parameters, and Neil and I will rise to the occasion.  I figured that at some point I'd teach Neil about working systems to his advantage, but I thought he'd be born first.

I took a long hot bath last night and went to bed early and got about 10 hours of sleep (11 hours in bed minus trips to the bathroom every 2-3 hours).  And I took a 2-hour nap this afternoon.  When I woke up this morning, my wrists were a normal size.  They've been a bit pudgy recently.  They still hurt (pregnancy-induced carpal tunnel), but they looked better.  My ankles were still puffy; there was no bump from my ankle bone.  But there was no indentation over my ankle bone, so it wasn't as bad as it has been at times.  After my nap, I walked to the swimming pool to write down the times for free swim.  It was nice to move about in the sunshine, and there was springy green growth under my feet.  Free swim on Friday is 9-11 p.m.  If I can stay awake that long, I'll go tonight.  I love to swim, and I don't care if I look like a whale as long as I can feel as graceful as one when I'm in the water.  After I got home, I sat down to blog, and Neil got busy wiggling and kicking.  Apparently, he's getting his exercise, too.  Way to improve that muscle tone, son!  I've also got a stretch workout routine that I recorded from the fitness channel that sounds really good right now.  I've done it once before and felt really loose and relaxed afterward.

I'm all about relaxation right now, and my house looks like it.  Tonight after making dinner, I'll make a detailed to-do list and enlist Matt's help to get it done this weekend.  Maybe before I start dinner, I'll clean out the car so that I can install the car seat tomorrow.  I probably need a few minutes to figure out what I'm cooking anyway.  I made a menu for the week, but I think the living room ate it.  Yes, my house is that bad right now, but I refuse to get stressed about it.

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