
Saturday, March 6, 2010

The Not-So-Little Mermaid

Matt took me to the pool last night, and it was SUPER!  He didn't want to swim, so I teased him about exercising his wife to ensure that she gives him healthy sons.  I rather enjoy making my feminist husband sound sexist.  Matt feels kind of funny about the possibility of running into students at the pool when he's wearing only his swimming trunks, and it turns out that the Friday night lifeguard is one of his honor students.  So he sat on the bleachers and talked to me while I paddled around the shallow end of the pool.

Moving about in the water was a little weird at first until I adjusted to my new center of gravity.  I enjoyed being able to move by just waving my arms.  Matt pointed out that anymore I tend to wave my arms about when I move on dry land.  Thanks, dear. :)  I did some push-pull water aerobics exercises holding the side of the pool, and I swam in place a bit, but mostly I paddled around in the warm water.  Then I decided to see how well I float while pregnant.  The answer...just fine, thank you.  My floating skills amaze my husband, who calls me "frighteningly buoyant." He  believes I'd survive a boat crash without a life boat or life vest.  I'd just lean back and float while everyone else was frantically treading water.  His feet sink when he tries to float, so the fact that I can float folded into a V with just my head and feet above water is mind blowing.  Floating and paddling in different positions makes me feel like Esther Williams in Million Dollar Mermaid.  I hope Neil is "frighteningly buoyant" like me.  It would make me feel better about letting him near water but, of course, is no substitute for supervision.

Neil didn't move around while I was swimming.  I'm not sure that a baby floating within a floating mother notices anything special.  But swimming made me pretty happy.  Afterward, I ate a snack and went to bed smelling faintly of chlorine and slept soundly.  This morning I woke up not quite sore, but feeling like I've exercised, and Neil has been super-busy kicking and punching.  Perhaps my endorphins got to him.  If endorphins decrease my stress and make Neil more active, swimming may be just what we need to keep the doctors happy with our progress.  I had so much fun that Matt said, "So you're going to want me to bring you here every Friday for the rest of the pregnancy."  I told him, "Not just every Friday.  Free swim is 7-9 p.m., Monday through Thursday, too."  He's thrilled and is already making plans to bring grading to do while I swim.

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