
Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Pre-April 1 Assurance of Truth

Neil's next measurement ultrasound is tomorrow, which is April Fool's Day.  Whatever I report will be true.  Week 38 is no time for joking in my opinion.  I'm still expecting Neil to be an active 6-pound baby.

I've had some ideas about arranging the nursery, so I'm hoping Matt and I can do that this evening.  I've got all my state tax forms for Wisconsin and Kentucky filled out, and I plan to make copies and take them to the post office tomorrow morning.  It will be good to cross that off my list.  The freezer is stocked with easy to prepare meals for at least two weeks after Neil is born.  I've made a menu for those two weeks so that we don't even have to think about what we're going to eat.  Matt has been shown the menu, which will be posted in the kitchen, and knows where the food is, so he can help prepare meals.  I've got some pediatrician forms to fill out but am otherwise prepared for going to the hospital.  I still have tons of cleaning that should be done.  I especially need to wash the dishes from the potentially broken dishwasher and clean out the leaking refrigerator.  I want to make sure that they really are broken (and not just over-burdened by my lack of care) before contacting the university to replace or repair them both.  And I'd like all repairs and replacement to be done before Neil arrives.  Matt is off this Friday and next Monday, so if Neil can stay put for another week, Matt and I will have a long Easter weekend to get some of these projects done.

I went swimming again last night.  At my request, Matt took a photo of me in my swimming suit, but the humidity at the pool fogged up the camera lens.  It looked like I was in a sauna, which is probably as flattering as a pregnancy swimsuit photo can be.  :)  It was nice to move around in the pool without gravity making me grunt and strain.  I've become rather ponderous recently: getting off the couch and rolling over in bed are ordeals, and I'm not good at judging how big of a space my belly needs to keep from running into things.  I've been knocking things off of desks and tables with my belly and ramming my belly into open doors.  It's gotten beyond funny enough that Matt takes pity on me and assists me when I try to stand, and he helped me tie my shoes the other day at the doctor's office.  He's so sweet, especially considering that my snoring, which he says shakes the bedsprings, has given him nightmares at least once in the last week.

Neil has been active this afternoon.  I had a cinnamon roll before working on taxes a couple hours ago, and he's been jazzed since then.  He's had the hiccups a time or two, and he now seems to be learning to hula.  I keep feeling and seeing rolling movements from about where his hips are.  If only the ultrasound lady could see him now!

I think it's time to start supper.  As I said, the cinnamon roll was a couple hours ago, and I'm eating about every two hours anymore.  We're having Eggs Benedict and roasted asparagus as long as the asparagus is still good.  I bought it a couple days ago because it was reduced price to sell quick.  And I've got reduced-price strawberries ($1.50/pint) and angel food cake for dessert... unless I have a serious chocolate craving and make a homemade chocolate lava cake instead... or in addition.  I MUST stop thinking about food and start cooking or I'm going to get so hungry that I eat everything in sight and give up on actually preparing a meal.

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