
Monday, February 22, 2010

Such a Fuss Over a Little Boy

I had another ultrasound and check up today.  My blood pressure was great: 123/80.  I gained 6 pounds in 3 weeks, a little faster than I'd like but reasonable, especially since we've done a lot of travelling recently.  The baby is still head-down and seems to have all his parts; they're just small.  Well, not his "boy parts."  Those seem to be well developed. :)  Overall, he's just small, about 3.5 pounds.  One "your baby this week" email I got says that he should be about 4.5 pounds.  Actually, if he gains half a pound a week like he's supposed to at this stage, he'll be 7 pounds by 40 weeks, which is a fine birth weight.  But he's not within the desired growth percentiles right now, so they're going to do some tests.  Low weight is typically caused by a mother's smoking or high blood pressure, neither of which applies to me.  So they want to make sure there's no other problem, particularly a problem with blood flow to the baby.  They have no reason other than his size to think there's a problem.  My placenta looks good, and what they could see of the umbilical cord also looked fine.  My uterus was a little low on fluid, so I'm supposed to drink more.  Travelling probably affected how much I drink, too.  We could see Neil sucking, so he seemed fine.

The ultrasound tech and the nurse practitioner asked me if he's active.  I told them his movements are more regular but not terribly frequent.  The nurse practitioner specifically asked about nighttime movement and was very impressed that he calms down when I tell him it's bedtime.  He wasn't very active during the ultrasound.  Other than his sucking lips, only his feet moved a little.  However, after the ultrasound I ate a granola bar in the waiting room and he did his "happy meal dance."  Next time, I'll eat a granola bar during the ultrasound so we can see the dance.  The nurse practitioner said I should feel him move 4 times per hour.  I'm not sure he does that.  Maybe if I ate a peanut butter sandwich (he gets really excited when I eat peanut butter) and then put my computer desk against my belly, I could provoke him to move more than 4 times in one hour.  And I'd have to make sure I didn't talk to him, which would make him stop moving.  I typically acknowledge his movements by talking to him, and I talk to him while I do housework.  Perhaps if his mother would shut up long enough, he'd get some exercise.

So I've got some tests this week to prove we're OK.  I was given a jug for a 24-hour urine test to check my kidney function.  Unfortunately, I stocked up on groceries at Aldi on Saturday, so I'm going to have to figure out where to put my pee jug during the 24 hours of testing.  Fortunately, I didn't have any away-from-home plans for Tuesday, so the test won't affect my life too much.  On Wednesday morning, I'll take my urine jug to the doctor and have a blood test.  Hopefully, everything will be OK.  We'll also have another ultrasound next week after we get back from Missouri.  Of course, I'll post more when I know more.

The nurse practitioner is very reassuring and does a good job of explaining what's going on and why.  She let us know that there's no reason to worry at this point.  And though Matt and I had quite a few questions for her, mostly because we like to understand things, I don't think either of us is worried.  That's a good thing because worry could increase my blood pressure, and I've heard that's not good for a baby's birth weight.

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