
Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Neil Oliver: What a Shopper!

Neil made out like a bandit today (with some help from his thrifty mom).  After going to the doctor's office to drop off a jug with 24-hours worth of mommy urine and give a few vials of blood for testing, we went to Goodwill in Lebanon.  They have a much larger selection of baby clothes than the one in Campbellsville, and their pricing was better.  We bought a few receiving blankets, some pants, some one-piece outfits, and a really cute dress up outfit with a vest and tie (picture below) for $10.  Then we went to Walmart and found that the Lebanon Walmart carries some nursing bras and tanks.  We got a couple to try, and if we need more, we know where to find them.  We love shopping in Lebanon!

A super-cute outfit for pictures.  All he needs is a little book, and he'll look like a professor!  The pieces are separate, so he may be able to wear the tie even after the shirt and pants are too small.  And he got it all for $3.

After we got home and ate a peanut butter sandwich with a cup of milk (and did a happy meal dance), we went out to run more errands.  We picked up Matt's suit at the cleaners, went to the bank and post office, and went to the courthouse to ask about our car title now that the car is paid off (hurray!).  While trying to find a parking spot around the courthouse, we came across a consignment shop that had baby gear out on the sidewalk.  So we checked it out and got a stroller and bouncy seat for $15.  The stroller is a little rusty, but it has some really great features and is really easy to use (pictures below).  So for $25, Neil got a bag full of clothes, a bouncy seat, and a stroller.  What a shopper!

By pulling a few levers, the stroller converts to a baby carriage.  And because the levers for reclining and handle angle are separate, we have options in addition to traditional stroller or carriage: he can lie down and face away from us or sit up and face us.  And the whole thing collapses quickly by pressing a foot lever and fits nicely in our car's trunk. A super buy for only $10!  

The Precious Moments bouncy seat is to the right of the stroller.

Health Update:  We probably won't hear the results of the urine and blood tests until early next week if at all.  We have another ultrasound next Thursday, so if I don't hear anything before then, I'll ask about the results.  I'm hoping that Neil gains half a pound this week and that the test results are favorable.  The doctor had us schedule weekly ultrasounds for the rest of the pregnancy, which seems a little excessive if there's nothing actually wrong.  Matt thinks that Neil is being persecuted for being small. :)  Unfortunately, his parents are the ones who are "suffering" with medical testing and weekly drives to the doctor's office.

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