
Monday, August 5, 2013

Week 32 Appointment: Nostril Shots and Ill-Timed M&Ms

We started our appointment with an ultrasound to measure growth and do the BPP. Elsie is measuring 4 lbs., 1 oz., which is the 53rd percentile. Dr. Reynolds thinks she's bigger than that because her short femurs are dragging down her other numbers. Her head is in the 90s and her abdomen is in the 60s percent-wise. Neil also had short femurs and a big head on ultrasound and came out bigger than expected from the ultrasounds, so Dr. Reynolds assessment makes sense. It's so good for Dr. Reynolds to make sense occasionally. :) Elsie's heart rate was 162. And though it took a little while to show off her breathing skills, she passed the BPP. She moved around a bit, got more compliments on her beautiful spine, and had pictures taken of her genitals (always!) and nose. The nose shot looks up her nostril. It looks like the kind of picture you'd accidentally take when trying out a new device. I hope to sometime see a good profile of her entire face, but she keeps facing the camera, which makes her eye sockets look empty and alien. She is still positioned head-down and had a full bladder again.

Dr. Reynolds was impressed that my blood pressure was still excellent and I've only gained 10 pounds during the whole pregnancy so far. The fluid levels on the ultrasound were a tiny bit above normal, which can be a symptom of diabetes. So despite fantastic scores on the 4-hour blood glucose test, he ordered a blood draw for a hemoglobin test right after our appointment. Unfortunately, I had just eaten peanut M&Ms in the waiting room right before seeing him, and I told him so. He still wanted me to take the test, so I did. I would not be surprised if the hemoglobin test doesn't come back great. Dr. Reynolds is really looking for something to be wrong. It's kind of irritating, but I can't fault him for being super-cautious, even if extreme caution doesn't guarantee desired results.

The third trimester symptoms have started to hit me recently. I had some pretty bad heartburn last night that caused pain in my shoulder. A couple of Tums and Tylenol fixed it enough so that I could sleep. I've also started spending more time in the recliner. Every night when I wake up to go to the bathroom, I go to the recliner instead of going back to bed. It's so much easier to get into the recliner than to heave myself onto our four-poster bed, and getting comfortable in the recliner is easier than rearranging all the pillows that prop me up in bed. I don't think Matt minds. We have a full size bed, and my pillows and I take up quite a bit of room. When I go to the recliner, he gets the whole bed to himself. I've also currently got a lower back problem that I would describe as a "hitch in my get-along." Something in my bottom-most vertebrae is jammed and causing discomfort in my left leg. The discomfort is significant enough that it affects how I walk which is starting to mess with my knee and ankle. I'm going to stop by the chiropractor's office on the way to work tomorrow. Adjustments don't take long with me, and I need to get that fixed before it hurts other parts of my body. In addition, I've been taking remarkable naps some days. I sleep for more than 3 hours and then need another hour to fully wake up. That's not like me at all. I always pop up like bread in a toaster when I wake up, no matter what time of day, so this grogginess is very unusual. Other than that, I'm doing pretty good, occasionally tired, weepy, or hungry and frequently urinating, but that's to be expected.

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