
Monday, August 26, 2013

Week 35 Appointment: I'm not the person most tired of my being pregnant?!?

Weight: No change. I'm not sure how. I weighed myself at home the other day and had gained 3.8 pounds in two days! I've since lost two of those pounds, but it was a shock to see on the bathroom scales.

BP: 114/70 Fantastic!

Heart rate and fluid are within normal parameters. Elsie breathes like a pro. Despite saving the last of my Wendy's frosty for the ultrasound, Elsie wasn't interested in moving. She wiggled and kicked the whole way to the doctor's office and wore herself out before the ultrasound. She moved her arm a little (her hand was resting on her chest) and waved her fingers at us. She did so little cuteness that we didn't get any pictures of her today. But she passed the BPP, which is the important part. We also saw more hair on her head. I'm not sure how long it is, but it is definitely there. Next week we measure growth.

Doctor's Visit
At 35 weeks there's a pelvic exam and cultures to see what diseases I've picked up and might pass on during delivery. Last time my urine had strep. I hope it didn't go out and get strep again this time, too. He checked my cervix and said, "We'll call that a 2," so I'm not "Fort Knox" again this time. I had forgotten how much I hate having my cervix checked. Anyone who can figure out a gadget or method to check it painlessly should win prestigious prizes, lots of money, and the undying gratitude of all women for all eternity.

The doctor was pleased with our progress. Matt and I can't remember exactly what he said, but the gist of it was that he's OK if she comes at any time. I told him I had told Elsie she needs to wait until September. "Why?" he asked. That part I can quote. I told him I thought it would be good for her to be less premature or not at all premature (37 weeks). He didn't seem concerned about her being premature. He seems ready for me to have this baby alive as soon as possible. I'm feeling OK and am OK with her maturing a little more if she needs to, but he wants this baby ASAP. So it seems we're all set to go whenever she decides to arrive. And if she doesn't arrive by week 39, I feel certain he'll induce.

Elsie is doing great. I get busy and have to remind myself to sit down and rest so that she can play. We take turns being active. She kept me from napping on Saturday because she was kicking and wiggling and rolling for about an hour. So Sunday, I told her she needed to let me nap and shushed her. Seconds after I woke up, she kicked me, and I patted my tummy to acknowledge her. And she went nuts. It was obviously a "HURRAY! MOMMY IS AWAKE! LET'S PLAY!" moment. So I moved to the recliner, and she played for at least half an hour. I wondered how many times she had tried test kicks to see if I was awake before I finally woke up and patted her back.

I think I've got the nursery almost ready, but I'll save that for another post.

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