
Friday, August 9, 2013

Growing Daily (or Hourly)

Yesterday evening as I was getting dressed to go to Game Night, I looked at my belly and said (aloud), "I think I'm bigger than I was before my nap." I shrugged it off as excess gas (of Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade balloon proportions?) from a lunch of pulled pork and broccoli salad. (1-Yes, Campbellsville finally got a good barbecue restaurant: good meat and good sauce. Hurray!  2- My side of the family frequently has unfortunate digestive responses to broccoli.) But after Game Night last night, Matt and I were passing each other in our admittedly narrow bathroom, and he bumped into me and fortunately caught and steadied me while saying something to the effect of "I didn't expect you to be so big." It probably wasn't gas then.

I expect to gain weight more quickly this month partially because the pool is closed for repairs before school starts. As soon as it opens in September, I will be there. I've considered trying some gentle yoga and light hand-weight lifting as guided by a prenatal exercise DVD I have. The weight lifting could be good to strengthen my upper body for repeatedly lifting a baby without causing back pain.

I've also been gardening a bit less, my other source of exercise. I've felt hot or tired or unwilling to tempt the mosquitoes at times of day that aren't hot. I'm keeping up with harvesting and watering with Miracle-Gro once a week, but the weeds are also getting Miracle-Gro, and I haven't felt like taking the time to pull them. Fortunately, because everything is in containers, most of the weeds aren't actually threatening the veggies. I did replant snap peas, summer squash, zucchini, and turnips for a fall harvest. They probably won't get much attention, but the produce will be nice.

I have gained some weight this week, but I don't feel heavier so much as voluminous. I'm thankful that, other than feeling expansive, I feel good. I have to slow down and catch my breath when I walk sometimes, but I think it's a good sign that my body thinks I can move fast and has to be checked by my diminishing lung capacity. I haven't really had any swelling yet. The stretch marks aren't too crazy yet. I've been using a cream at night to try to keep my belly hydrated and potentially limit stressful skin stretching. With the stretch marks I had coming into this pregnancy, I've been a little worried that stretch marks are like runs in pantyhose (they look alike) and will just continue running both upward and downward from my belly. I get mental images of stretch marks that run from my chin to my toes. Unlikely, I know, but I have a vivid imagination. I didn't have to go to the chiropractor after all last week. I was finally able to get my lower back to pop just once, and that was enough. I haven't had any sciatica pain. The heartburn is manageable with Tums. I'm sleeping well. I still get up only once a night to go to the bathroom. And Elsie mostly behaves herself at night and calms pretty quickly when I rub my belly and shush her. We're doing really well actually.

I'm also thankful that it has taken this long to feel big. We're already only 4.5 weeks from no longer premature and 7.5 weeks from due date.

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