
Wednesday, May 12, 2010


I woke up feeling significantly better today.  I got about six hours of sleep last night, and I slept soundly.  I could tell that any fever I had had had broken overnight.  (I thought about rewriting that sentence, but using the same word three times in a row in a sentence that makes sense made me happy.  It's an English major thing, like Etymology in the Morning)  I went without coughing for at least half an hour after I got up.  I felt human.  I was no longer a virus-infested zombie.  My cough is productive, so the chest congestion is improving.  And I've continued to blow my nose all day.

A few minutes ago, I cleared my right sinus by blowing out a "super booger"!  It's my fourth or fifth super booger of my life, so I was able to contain my excitement when it happened.  I wanted to burst in on Matt in the bathroom to tell him about it, but I was able to restrain myself.  I'm never met someone else who has had a super booger experience, but I found at least one person online.  My super booger was during a semester-end cold after my first year at Evangel.  I had been really sick for several days and had been blowing my nose constantly when one blow felt semi-solid and still attached to something in my sinus.  So I blew again and more came out but it was still attached to something in my sinus.  So I blew again and again and again.  I started to get scared.  Suddenly, a final blow went plop in my Kleenex.  The wad of snot in my Kleenex was huge!  It filled the palm of my hand.  As soon as it was out, I could breath through that side of my nose again.  I had another one the next summer while I was in Normandy.  I didn't even have a cold but felt the need to blow my nose.  A gush of salt water poured from my nose when the booger finally plopped out.  It was really weird.  I've had at least one other one.  I remember being excited that I could show Matt.  He was impressed.  This latest one wasn't the biggest, but it was still exhilarating and it cleared one side of my nose.

I've still taken it easy today.  I sometimes over-exert during recovery.  I was able to make a few phone calls that were on my to-do list.  I may try to work a little more on getting my wardrobe switched out.  And I could probably get enough dishes in the dishwasher to run it.  And I've got some papers to file.  I'd like to make a little more progress on the flower garden before thunderstorms arrive, but I'd need Matt to do most of the work.  That sounds like plenty for today.

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