Monday, August 26, 2013
Week 35 Appointment: I'm not the person most tired of my being pregnant?!?
BP: 114/70 Fantastic!
Heart rate and fluid are within normal parameters. Elsie breathes like a pro. Despite saving the last of my Wendy's frosty for the ultrasound, Elsie wasn't interested in moving. She wiggled and kicked the whole way to the doctor's office and wore herself out before the ultrasound. She moved her arm a little (her hand was resting on her chest) and waved her fingers at us. She did so little cuteness that we didn't get any pictures of her today. But she passed the BPP, which is the important part. We also saw more hair on her head. I'm not sure how long it is, but it is definitely there. Next week we measure growth.
Doctor's Visit
At 35 weeks there's a pelvic exam and cultures to see what diseases I've picked up and might pass on during delivery. Last time my urine had strep. I hope it didn't go out and get strep again this time, too. He checked my cervix and said, "We'll call that a 2," so I'm not "Fort Knox" again this time. I had forgotten how much I hate having my cervix checked. Anyone who can figure out a gadget or method to check it painlessly should win prestigious prizes, lots of money, and the undying gratitude of all women for all eternity.
The doctor was pleased with our progress. Matt and I can't remember exactly what he said, but the gist of it was that he's OK if she comes at any time. I told him I had told Elsie she needs to wait until September. "Why?" he asked. That part I can quote. I told him I thought it would be good for her to be less premature or not at all premature (37 weeks). He didn't seem concerned about her being premature. He seems ready for me to have this baby alive as soon as possible. I'm feeling OK and am OK with her maturing a little more if she needs to, but he wants this baby ASAP. So it seems we're all set to go whenever she decides to arrive. And if she doesn't arrive by week 39, I feel certain he'll induce.
Elsie is doing great. I get busy and have to remind myself to sit down and rest so that she can play. We take turns being active. She kept me from napping on Saturday because she was kicking and wiggling and rolling for about an hour. So Sunday, I told her she needed to let me nap and shushed her. Seconds after I woke up, she kicked me, and I patted my tummy to acknowledge her. And she went nuts. It was obviously a "HURRAY! MOMMY IS AWAKE! LET'S PLAY!" moment. So I moved to the recliner, and she played for at least half an hour. I wondered how many times she had tried test kicks to see if I was awake before I finally woke up and patted her back.
I think I've got the nursery almost ready, but I'll save that for another post.
Monday, August 19, 2013
Week 34 Appointment: What a Multi-Tasker
The rest of the appointment was uneventful. I've gained some weight and had great blood pressure. We saw the nurse practitioner because the doctor had had multiple c-sections and deliveries today and was running behind schedule. The nurse practitioner measured my belly and said we're having a big baby. She asked each of us how tall we are and was surprised that I'm only 5'2". I pointed out that I'm always sitting down when she sees me. I also pointed out that I have a short torso, so even an average baby is going to take up a huge portion of my abdomen. She agreed. I don't mind if Elsie is big. I just don't want anyone to become concerned about her being too big if there's a reasonable explanation for why my belly is so big. The nurse practitioner did say that ultrasounds are more accurate than belly size. In two more weeks we'll check her size again and have a better idea of how big she is.
The doctor arrived as we were leaving and stopped us. He seemed disappointed that he didn't get to see us; we are special. :) He reminded us that we're not going past 40 weeks and that we need to come in if Elsie isn't moving regularly. We're told both things at every appointment. Everything has gone so well so far, that no new news is good news.
Monday, August 12, 2013
Week 33 Appointment: She'a Cute Little Sucker
After checking my weight (up a pound) and blood pressure (normal), the nurse sent us into an exam room to see Dr. Ackermann. After greeting us, he looked at my chart and said, "Everything looks perfect." And then he started giggling. He said he couldn't ask for anything to be better. He then felt my abdomen for a second or two, asked if she's moving a lot (she is), asked if we had any questions (we didn't), and said everything is going great. We think he doesn't get many good news cases either (lots of poverty, smoking, and obesity in Kentucky), so we were happy that he was so happy. As we were getting into the car, I said to Matt, "We just made our OB giggle." And the doctor didn't even get to see Elsie yawn, stick her tongue out, or smack her lips. Now that was giggle-worthy.
Saturday, August 10, 2013
Guess who likes back rubs
If you guessed Elsie, you are also right. For some time she has occasionally surfaced forcefully enough to cause a large, hard bulge on my upper belly, approximately where her back and bottom are. When she's done this in the past, I've rubbed my belly, and she's immediately wiggled into a different, less painful position. But recently she has gotten into that position and stayed there for minutes at a time while I rub the bulge on my belly. I have thought of only two reasons for her to do so. First, perhaps she likes having her back rubbed. Second, perhaps she's obstinate and refuses to move no matter how much I rub my belly. It's times like these that I consider whose child she is when interpreting her actions. :) I've decided she's mine this time. I must say I find the idea of rubbing my daughter's back delightful. She seems to enjoy it, too. She's done it three or four times today.
She's become much more responsive and interactive lately. In addition to the rubbing and shushing to calm her at night and the back rubs when she surfaces, she has also played pat-pat with me a time or two. We played for several minutes while I was at work the other day. I pat-pat-pat my belly, she answers with two taps, and we continue that until she loses interest. Next we'll teach her Morse code so I can blog her dispatches from the womb. :)
Friday, August 9, 2013
Growing Daily (or Hourly)
I expect to gain weight more quickly this month partially because the pool is closed for repairs before school starts. As soon as it opens in September, I will be there. I've considered trying some gentle yoga and light hand-weight lifting as guided by a prenatal exercise DVD I have. The weight lifting could be good to strengthen my upper body for repeatedly lifting a baby without causing back pain.
I've also been gardening a bit less, my other source of exercise. I've felt hot or tired or unwilling to tempt the mosquitoes at times of day that aren't hot. I'm keeping up with harvesting and watering with Miracle-Gro once a week, but the weeds are also getting Miracle-Gro, and I haven't felt like taking the time to pull them. Fortunately, because everything is in containers, most of the weeds aren't actually threatening the veggies. I did replant snap peas, summer squash, zucchini, and turnips for a fall harvest. They probably won't get much attention, but the produce will be nice.
I have gained some weight this week, but I don't feel heavier so much as voluminous. I'm thankful that, other than feeling expansive, I feel good. I have to slow down and catch my breath when I walk sometimes, but I think it's a good sign that my body thinks I can move fast and has to be checked by my diminishing lung capacity. I haven't really had any swelling yet. The stretch marks aren't too crazy yet. I've been using a cream at night to try to keep my belly hydrated and potentially limit stressful skin stretching. With the stretch marks I had coming into this pregnancy, I've been a little worried that stretch marks are like runs in pantyhose (they look alike) and will just continue running both upward and downward from my belly. I get mental images of stretch marks that run from my chin to my toes. Unlikely, I know, but I have a vivid imagination. I didn't have to go to the chiropractor after all last week. I was finally able to get my lower back to pop just once, and that was enough. I haven't had any sciatica pain. The heartburn is manageable with Tums. I'm sleeping well. I still get up only once a night to go to the bathroom. And Elsie mostly behaves herself at night and calms pretty quickly when I rub my belly and shush her. We're doing really well actually.
I'm also thankful that it has taken this long to feel big. We're already only 4.5 weeks from no longer premature and 7.5 weeks from due date.
Wednesday, August 7, 2013
Car Seats Expire!?!?
I found out from my sister Kristin that car seats expire! Fortunately, ours has two more years before it expires. But I was surprised that non-dairy car seats have expiration dates. Also on Kristin's advice, I looked for some sort of tag on our crib that might tell me the make and model so that I could check to see if it's been recalled. There were no tags on it, but there were instructions for dropping the sides. Oh dear! Even I know that drop sides are considered a no-no. So we will need a new crib. We don't necessarily have to get rid of the current crib: it converts to a toddler bed and could still be useful in a couple years. By then I may be leary of a 12-year-old toddler bed, but for now I'm OK with it. We don't plan to use a crib right away, so we have time to get one. If we had needed a new car seat, I would have been more anxious and irritated. That's something needed immediately. I also checked to make sure our bassinet hasn't been recalled, and it hasn't. I'd really like to to prevent the nursery from being a death trap. If she survives the death trap of my uterus, I'd hate for a crib to do her in. Most of the time I feel pretty calm about my (in)ability to protect her, but learning about all the nursery items that have to be vetted makes me feel like the world is out to get her. I mean, cute Winnie the Pooh pillows are as lethal as letting her play with knives! I'm sure the paranoia will pass and return and pass again many times. I have a feeling that's not an uncommon part of parenting.
Tuesday, August 6, 2013
My Hemoglobin Rocks!
Monday, August 5, 2013
Week 32 Appointment: Nostril Shots and Ill-Timed M&Ms
Dr. Reynolds was impressed that my blood pressure was still excellent and I've only gained 10 pounds during the whole pregnancy so far. The fluid levels on the ultrasound were a tiny bit above normal, which can be a symptom of diabetes. So despite fantastic scores on the 4-hour blood glucose test, he ordered a blood draw for a hemoglobin test right after our appointment. Unfortunately, I had just eaten peanut M&Ms in the waiting room right before seeing him, and I told him so. He still wanted me to take the test, so I did. I would not be surprised if the hemoglobin test doesn't come back great. Dr. Reynolds is really looking for something to be wrong. It's kind of irritating, but I can't fault him for being super-cautious, even if extreme caution doesn't guarantee desired results.
The third trimester symptoms have started to hit me recently. I had some pretty bad heartburn last night that caused pain in my shoulder. A couple of Tums and Tylenol fixed it enough so that I could sleep. I've also started spending more time in the recliner. Every night when I wake up to go to the bathroom, I go to the recliner instead of going back to bed. It's so much easier to get into the recliner than to heave myself onto our four-poster bed, and getting comfortable in the recliner is easier than rearranging all the pillows that prop me up in bed. I don't think Matt minds. We have a full size bed, and my pillows and I take up quite a bit of room. When I go to the recliner, he gets the whole bed to himself. I've also currently got a lower back problem that I would describe as a "hitch in my get-along." Something in my bottom-most vertebrae is jammed and causing discomfort in my left leg. The discomfort is significant enough that it affects how I walk which is starting to mess with my knee and ankle. I'm going to stop by the chiropractor's office on the way to work tomorrow. Adjustments don't take long with me, and I need to get that fixed before it hurts other parts of my body. In addition, I've been taking remarkable naps some days. I sleep for more than 3 hours and then need another hour to fully wake up. That's not like me at all. I always pop up like bread in a toaster when I wake up, no matter what time of day, so this grogginess is very unusual. Other than that, I'm doing pretty good, occasionally tired, weepy, or hungry and frequently urinating, but that's to be expected.