
Sunday, December 27, 2009

All's Forgiven...Maybe

I've been feeling a little bad for a couple of days because the baby stopped being active for a while after I laid on his head one night.  I was trying to get comfortable in bed, and I'm often able to get into a tripod position that keeps most of my weight off my belly.  The other night, though, I was getting kicked on one side and so tried to lay on the other, and the tripod position didn't work because there was a head on that side.  I wriggled around and got off his head when I realized what I had done, but he shifted positions and stayed quiet for a few days after that.  Not that I minded a bit of peace after his recent assaults, but it was becoming worrysome.

So I thought that I have apparently been forgiven for laying on his head because he's kicking a bit again.  But then I realized that he might have been sulking for a few days.  Or maybe he was scared to move.  Or maybe he decided to start kicking because he's worried about me and trying to tell me to go to bed instead of blogging after midnight when I already have a sore throat.  My interpretation of his actions is pure speculation and says more about me than him.  Matt can tell you that it is not uncommon for me to project feelings onto others.  So the poor kid whose mother laid on his head is being projected on, and he's likely to be projected on for the rest of his life if his mother can't learn to stop doing it.  I can, however, promise not to lay on his head for the rest of his life.  A baby step on the path to "perfect" parenting. :)

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