
Saturday, May 28, 2016

Post-Pregnancy Digestion

As I figured out my digestive issues after Lucy was born, I realized that each pregnancy slowed my digestion and altered my IBS: from IBS with diarrhea before Neil to something like normal after and then to IBS with constipation after Lucy. I hoped that Maggie wouldn't slow things further, and I don't have an answer to that yet. Until last night, I would have said things weren't running slow; however, my other health issues might have affected me. While I was congested, I was swallowing what I coughed up so that the mucous wouldn't come into contact with anyone or anything and spread the infection. But that made my stomach kind of upset and caused loose stool for several days. Throughout my pregnancy, I took stool softeners every day, and they worked. I didn't throw up or need an enema to relieve constipation that was keeping my stomach from emptying. I've continued the stool softeners and hoped for continued good results. 

But last night after our family walk, I started hurting. I didn't feel like I was going to vomit, but the pain felt like a combination of back pain and digestive problems. Doing the stretches the chiropractor showed me helped a bit before bed, but I woke in the middle of the night in serious pain. I put Maggie in a bouncy seat in the bathroom while I tried to feel better. I thought I might need to go to the chiropractor first thing Saturday morning. I decided that the one thing I could try immediately was an enema. If it helped, I might get to sleep. If it didn't help, I'd just get help for my back as soon as possible. So the enema did its work, and I still felt bad. I took a couple of Motrin, which I figured would help back pain but not do much for gall bladder pain. Once again, I'd either get relief or more information about my condition. I took Maggie back to the recliner and suffered as she leaned against my abdomen while nursing. When the back spasms started, I started composing a text to Mom to pray. And then I felt a gurgle in my intestines, and all of the pain and spasms suddenly and completely stopped. I was fine for the rest of the night. So it seems that constipation is still causing me problems and is doing so despite higher than maximum doses of stool softeners. I had some urgent bowel movements later this morning, but that seems to have settled down. So I don't know if my condition is significantly worse, but I definitely need to see a doctor to see if we can get this straightened out. Fortunately, I've met my deductible for the year by having a baby, so anything I get fixed is free from now on. 

My back is also a problem while I'm recovering from surgery. I'm sure I'm using my back muscles in unusual ways to compensate for weak abs. I need to slow down a bit, carry Maggie less, and slowly build strength. I'm really looking forward to getting back to the pool after my 6-week check up. Moving in the water does more for my back than anything else I've tried.

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