
Sunday, March 27, 2016

This Week in Lucy: Late March Edition

Lucy is still growing and maturing at a remarkable rate.

Yesterday she played her first game of Candy Land. She did a good job taking turns drawing cards, and she named the colors we drew. I moved the pieces to demonstrate how it works. I thought we'd be doing good to make it halfway through, but she stuck with it for the whole game. She wanted to play again right away.

Lucy talked about helping baby Emmie for the first time without saying "no baby Emmie." I found one of the hats that Lucy wore in the hospital and showed it to her. She wanted to put it on. It barely fit, and she was a little upset, so I talked to her about how big she has gotten since she got the hat in the hospital. She was a little dubious about being born in a hospital. I told her about being taken out of mommy's belly, and daddy went with her to the nursery, and we have a picture of her holding daddy's finger. Then they brought her to me so that I could give her milk. Then we took her home with us. And we'll do the same thing with Emmie. I repeated the story through bringing Emmie home. And then mama will give Emmie milk. And daddy will hold Emmie and give her baths. And Lucy can help give her a bath and hold her. That got Lucy excited. She ran to tell Matt about how she will help baby Emmie.

She's really into playing with her magnetic doll house. She does a good job of putting things where they belong. I've tried putting things in silly places, but she finds it disturbing rather than funny. "Silly" is one of her favorite words right now. Sometimes it sounds more like "sheeyee." She doesn't use it in a dismissive way, but I also try not to use it dismissively. Mama, daddy, dogs, or even Lucy herself can be declared silly. If I tickle her, she says, "Silly mama." When a dog on TV had a lampshade on his head, she said, "Silly dog." And when she blows on my arm to make tooting sounds, she says, "Silly me."

Lucy now knows some of the lower case letters. I heard her spelling "penguin" and looked over to see her pointing to the letters of a book's title. The book title is not in all caps. I haven't tried to teach her. My best guess is that she has learned from watching Super Why on public television. I told Matt, and he said she may be reading by the time she turns 3 if she learns letter sounds, which they also do on Super Why. So after her bath, I told her that one of the toys on the side of the tub didn't start with the letter B: alligator, bird, boat, and brush. And she immediately said "alligator." She might have been guessing. But if not, she not only knows what the letter B sounds like but can also combine that with "which one doesn't belong." I look forward to seeing what she learns next.

When Shaun the Sheep pauses, Lucy says "Internet slow." She's right. She's just repeating what I've said, and I don't think she has any idea what the Internet is, but it's pretty cute.

One day we were drawing with chalk on the sidewalk, and I got sad and started crying. (It happens sometimes, and it happens more often as we get closer to April.) Lucy looked worried, dropped her chalk, and came over to give me a hug. She really is sweet and thoughtful.

She's not perfect, and we hit quite a few bumps along the way, but she's pretty terrific.

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