
Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Third Trimester and All is Well

I had another check-up today. I've gained a little weight, have reasonable blood pressure, and passed the three-hour blood glucose test. Emmie feels like a normal size and had a heart rate of 160. Nobody's concerned about anything right now. Of course, we did see Dr. Ackermann today. Dr. Reynolds would have found something to be concerned about.

Although I passed both blood glucose tests, Dr. Ackermann said he's sure I'm going to be diabetic eventually because I am obese, so he encouraged me to begin eating as if I were already diabetic. I feel like I've been less careful about my diet this pregnancy. I just don't have the energy to think about what I'm eating. I eat to keep from being hungry. I don't buy much junk food. I keep fresh fruit on hand. But I haven't made a special effort. I'll try to do so. I have been getting much more exercise for the last month or so. Lucy and I go to the pool everyday. I don't swim laps, but I keep moving for an hour or more. And with the nice weather this week, I've been doing some light gardening. Eating better will be easier when the fresh garden produce starts coming in.

Our next appointment is in two weeks, at 30 weeks. We have a growth ultrasound scheduled, so Susie is going to keep Lucy. Lucy isn't allowed in the ultrasound room at our doctor's office. I'll also get another Rho-gam shot then. I found out today that Rho-gam shots only last 12 weeks. My last one was at about 23 weeks, so it will only last me until 35 weeks, which is too soon for Emmie to arrive. So I have to get another one to get me to 38 weeks. That will add a couple of hours to a day that already has an ultrasound and a doctor's appointment.

We set the rest of our appointments for the rest of the pregnancy today. At 32 weeks (early April) we'll begin weekly ultrasounds for biophysical profiles (BPPs) that check movement and breathing practice. We'll probably add many ultrasound pictures to the album I started for Emmie.

We've finally reached the third trimester. Normally, that means you're 2/3 of the way through. Because we expect to go only to 38 weeks, we're almost 3/4 done. We may be less than 10 weeks from the end. I'm trying to enjoy being the mother of one for a little while (which is a little difficult on some days with a two year old), but I'm also ready to be done with the stress of pregnancy. Part of me will be holding my breath until Emmie is safely delivered. At least we don't have anything specific to worry about since Emmie and I are both healthy and doing well.

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