
Sunday, August 29, 2010

A Room of My Own

Our guest room is now my room when we don't have guests.  Matt and I share the bedroom, and the study and the living room feel like they're Matt's because his books and movies are in those rooms.  I always seem to have stuff cluttering other rooms because my stuff didn't have a place.  Now it does.  Matt calls it my junk room.  I prefer to call it my play room.  I plan for it to be a place for me to set up my keyboard and my bicycle trainer.  I can also work on craft projects there.  Right now it looks more like a junk room.  I've got stuff from other rooms piled in there waiting to be sorted and put away.  As far as I know, we don't plan to have guests until Thanksgiving, so I've got time to get everything tidied up.  I'd like to get something to sit on (a daybed would work), a table for projects and to set my sewing machine up, and a small bookshelf for my computer books.  Should we need the room as a nursery, I'll probably have to move everything upstairs, but I'd have less time for the projects anyway.

My big project is still getting well.  My cold is lingering: nose blowing and coughing.  Another fever blister appeared yesterday.  I have also been awakened with an upset stomach a few nights this week.  Wednesday night, I vomited and then spilled the puke bag contents on my lap, the floor, and the bath mat.  Last night I was up for at least 3 hours with what turned out to be incredibly bad gas that felt like heartburn that threatened to make me vomit again.  Early morning gastrointestinal difficulties do not help me rest and recover from my cold.  I've considered that it's a new twist on irritable bowel, so I'm going to try the pro-biotic yogurt again.

My second big project is preparing for my class.  I've got tons of handouts, practice sheets, assignments sheets, homework worksheets, and quizzes to write.  I've never been the primary teacher for this level of student, so I'm starting from scratch with most of what I'm doing.  It's exciting but a lot of work.  Once I have a semester's worth of material, I can tweak it for future semesters as long as it works this first time.

That's enough big projects for now.  I've got many small projects that I want to work on, but healing, teaching and cleaning are a good start.

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