
Saturday, January 9, 2010

Hip Hurray for the Third Trimester!

We're heading into the third trimester, and things seem to be going well.  Weight gain has been very reasonable, and my feet are not consistently bigger.  Occasionally, a little swelling perhaps.  Other than the weirdness of having a writhing being in my gut, I'm not having many side effects.  I've been a bit out of breath, especially when I turn over in bed, and I've been dizzy or unsteady on my feet a few times.  No heartburn or hemorrhoids or constipation.  No contractions.  Fatigue is manageable.

Childbirth classes were scheduled for today but were postponed due to weather.  We'll ask around for recommendations for a pediatrician next week so that we can fill out pre-registration forms at the hospital when we go to class next Saturday. I'm eager to see the hospital facilities and find out if they're as progressive as calling themselves The Women's Center makes them sound, especially important since I want to be unmedicated for labor and delivery if possible.  And I'd like to be able to control noise and light in my room.  Matt has already been instructed to shut up anyone but the doctor if the entire delivery room starts yelling, "Push! Push!"  Screaming strangers aren't encouraging even if they're smiling.  And I'd really like one of those big hot tubs to labor in.  I love baths!  And Matt could join me.  We can play in the tub together, though I think we should leave our bag of squirty animals and self-propelled boats at home.  I think we're both pretty excited about sharing our bath toys with our son.  I even bought him a new self-propelled boat of his very own.  The kid doesn't have a name, but he has a tub toy. :)

I have a regular appointment and a 1-hour fasting glucose test next Tuesday.  Sometime in January, I'll get my Rhogam shot to prevent me from forming antibodies because of blood type differences between me and the baby.  I'm sure I'll have a list of questions for the doctor in the next visit or two. The top question in my mind is "Since we live half an hour from the hospital, at what point in labor should we leave home?"  I haven't really talked through my preferences for labor and delivery with the doctors.  Dr. Reynolds and I discussed my desire to avoid pain medication. He asked if my mother had pain medication in labor, and I told him she had three babies with no medication.  Then he asked about my dad.  I told him that my dad never gave birth. :)  He then clarified that he wanted to know if my dad was a cry baby when he hurt himself, so I told him that I thought Dad handled pain OK.  He had been skeptical of my ability to labor unmedicated but thought that tough parents boded well for my chances. Thanks Mom and Dad!  I also threw in that my sister went unmedicated until labor stalled after 18 hours.  I'm not opposed to drugs if I need them.  I'm not a masochist.

I'm already thinking through packing for the hospital.  I need to order the Peace instrumental CD we used for prayer time in Ellsinore.  It takes only four notes of that CD to make me go limp, not ideal for praying but probably great for relaxing through contractions.  I also got some calming scented massage oil.  Now I just have to get Matt to use it.  I'm hoping that when I'm obviously in need of pampering and support during labor he'll get over his aversion to oils and lotions.  I'm also interested in clothing options at the hospital.  I don't want to wear a hospital gown for hours when I'm already uncomfortable and irritable.  I'm kind of hoping that a tankini top and a knit skirt (typical sleepwear for me) will be OK.  And a hoodie, of course.  I'll probably start making (and losing) lists of items to pack next week.

I plan to do some pregnancy yoga, reread some pregnancy books, and avoid TLC and Discovery Channel shows about labor for the next few months.  I'll also try to do some cleaning.  I've been told that the waiting seems interminable during the last trimester, so I'm coming up with productive activities to keep me busy and make me as prepared as possible.  We'll see how it goes.

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