
Saturday, June 5, 2010

Newness and Renewal: A Saturday Adventure

I woke up early today and decided to try new things and go on an adventure.  So after watering my plants and starting a load of laundry, I went to the farmer's market.  There were only three sellers when I was there, but I may have been a little early.  I bought some lettuce, strawberries, snow peas, green onions, and broccoli.  I've tasted all but the green onions now and only regret the broccoli, which is a little bitter and spicy.

My next destination was a salvage grocery store called Dents & Dings.  On the way I stopped at Walmart to return the over-the-counter medications I had bought for Neil even though the pediatrician's nurse said I could/should wait to see what we needed.  I think the meds are the last of the returns.  I was only a little sad and only started crying about an hour later when I was leaving Kroger.  I was thinking about how I bought the drugs ahead of time even though Walmart is close by because I didn't like the thought of him being in pain or discomfort any longer than necessary.  I had apologized to him several times about planning to circumcise him because it would hurt.  I'm pretty sure he never experienced pain, which brings a tiny bit of comfort.  Even though it's a little selfish, I'd much rather be comforting him than comforting myself right now.  I find I cry a little every day recently.  A few weeks ago, I used to save up for a few days for a big painful cry.  I think I'm making progress.

There were no tears at Dents & Dings.  I found out about the store from a coupon in the weekly paper mailed to people who don't subscribe to the local newspaper.  I found some nifty things there.  They had two cans of the discontinued soup that Matt likes.  I also found packets of lime powder (real lime juice that's dehydrated).  I had lemon packets of the same brand.  I've got some of the lime in my water right now and am enjoying it thoroughly. And I got four packages of raspberry almond M&Ms.  I got some on clearance at Target at few weeks ago and am hooked.  Matt likes them, too.  These packages were only $0.95!  Hurray!    The store was good enough that I'll probably go back every few months to see what new stuff they get in.

I then went to Kroger to buy some of the things they've got on sale.  I also got a quarter of a watermelon and two peaches.  I love summer produce.  On the way home I stopped at Jeff's Food Mart, which we pass regularly but have never entered.  There's not much there, but they have deli meats and make sandwiches and a few other breakfast and lunch foods.  I bought a little turkey meat, mostly because I was the only person in the tiny store and the owner was watching me expectantly.  I just had a sandwich, and the turkey is good.  It reminds me of the meat we used to get at "The Store" when we lived in Ellsinore.

When I got home, I discovered that in less than three hours I had soaked through my panties and girdle despite the tampon.  Obviously, regular absorbency wasn't enough.  So I treated the stains and threw my clothes in the washing machine and headed out again to Walmart to buy more absorbent ones.  I got a package with regular, super and super plus just in case.  It's good to know that my reproductive system is recovering from pregnancy.  I kind of wondered a few days ago if I was ovulating when I felt like one ovary was grinding and creaking.  I'm old and it's out of practice. :)

While I was out, I decided to get a hair cut.  The style is the same, but it's at least two inches shorter.  I think it looks good.  The shape is better than it has been in a long time.  The stylist used the thinning shears a little, too, to lighten it even more.  It feels good, shorn in a good way.   It was a little freaky when I ran my fingers through my hair and they were covered with long hair.  But after I shower and rewash it, I shouldn't keep shedding.  I may actually try styling it to see if less weight makes my hair less flat.

At the register, there was a coupon for 20% off at Maurice's clothing store, so I stopped by.  I didn't find anything, but while I was at the shopping center I thought I'd walk down to Cato.  I never made it.  I got sucked into a sale at JC Penney's.  Everything was 15% off, even sale prices and clearance.  So I used my birthday money to get shorts that fit well right now (I have some that are a little too tight) and a couple of shirts.  One of the shirts is grey and silver and makes me feel like a rock star, probably not a very glamorous rock star because it's just a t-shirt, but a rock star none the less.

As I sit here with a new haircut and new clothes, digesting the turkey sandwich and fresh produce I bought this morning and blogging about today's adventures, I feel pretty optimistic.  After a shower, I should feel even better and then I may clean a little before napping.  After a nap, I may feel exceptionally awesome while making quiche for supper and dessert for the church potluck tomorrow.  By bedtime, I may feel so terrifically satisfied with my day that I sleep soundly.  And who knows what tomorrow may bring.

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