
Thursday, October 1, 2009

Well, I FEEL fine.

I had a doctor's appointment today.  The baby's heart is beating and I haven't gained any weight.  My blood pressure is higher than it normally is 134/83.  I think it's probably not really that high.  I've been in slightly stressful conversations both times they've taken my blood pressure.  The first time they were telling me I forgot to get my debit card back from them after paying my co-pay and that they wouldn't be able to give me a receipt, which I need because I'm using a flexible spending account.  Financial conversations are not good for blood pressure.  This time the nurse was telling me that my medical records had not arrived from Wisconsin yet, which meant they might have to redo my blood work.  Needles are not good for blood pressure.  Honestly, I don't think that conversation is good for blood pressure.  And I already know that I have a "white coat" reaction, especially with new doctors.  But my excuses don't actually erase the potential problems.  Dr. Reynolds told me that blood pressure should go down early in pregnancy before going back up at 28 weeks.  So even a "normal" blood pressure would be problematic.  He says he can nearly guarantee that blood pressure will be an issue later in the pregnancy.  THAT DOES NOT HELP MY BLOOD PRESSURE!  But it's not a problem yet and everything could turn out OK.

My other bit of news is that they found strep in my urine.  I'm not sure where my urine has been socializing that it would have gotten strep without my getting strep.  So I'm taking 500 mg of amoxicillin three times a day for the next week.  The first dose has upset my stomach a little.  Otherwise, I feel fine.  Stupid pee!  I hope it doesn't decide to get swine flu.  The doctor says I'll need antibiotics during labor/delivery, too.  Oh, and I'm Rh negative, so I'll need an injection for that, too.  Stupid blood!  Stupid bodily fluids!  My saliva hasn't offended yet, but I just know it's biding it's time.

But the day did have some bright spots.  I got free ice cream at McDonalds because they had an extra cup.  I dipped my french fries in it. Yum!  I went to Walgreens because I love Walgreens and they were giving flu shots.  I wasn't allowed to get a flu shot because I have to wait until at least 16 weeks.  But while I was waiting to learn that I couldn't have a flu shot, the lady checking me in asked how far along I am.  When I told her 12 weeks, she told me that I look really good, that I don't even look pregnant. That made me smile.  I'm wearing my regular clothes, and I do look pretty awesome.  Then I went to the Walmart Supercenter in Lebanon to see if they had some things ours doesn't carry, and discovered they had three aisles of clearance.  I love clearance!  And they had several of the things I've been looking for.

So I feel good, look awesome, and shop smart.  My blood and urine will just have to straighten up and be as awesome as the rest of me. :)

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