
Saturday, July 27, 2013

The Simplified Desired Gear List

I think the Amazon registry is in good shape now:

I had a hard time with the registry because registries can require you to be too specific. For example, at some point we will need a convertible car seat when she outgrows the infant seat we already have, so I'd like to put that on the registry. However, I don't know which convertible car seat we want. I read reviews, but I feel ill-equipped to select one. Somebody else with actual experience with babies and car seats could probably pick one for me and I would be happy with it. But there's no way to put "pick a convertible car seat" on a registry. 

Below is a list of things I think we need. Most of the items on the list are on the registry. In many cases the items on the registry are just examples of the kind of things we want and the colors and models are suggestions. I've split the list into two parts: what we'll need immediately and what we'll need later in the first year. I've also got a list of what we have, which some people might find helpful, but it seems like overkill right now, so I'll keep that one to myself for a little while.

0-3 Months
1-2 Covers for contoured changing pad
Bassinet/play yard sheets that fit our Boppy brand bassinet/play yard
A wrap carrier like a Moby wrap for baby wearing
Stroller base that our infant car seat fits on
Mirror for car
Diaper pail
A few small Dr Brown's bottles and level 1 newborn nipples
Breastmilk storage bags
Size 1 & 2 disposable diapers & wipes

3+ Months
Breathable crib bumper
1-2 fitted crib sheets
Fabric travel high chair
Convertible car seat
Larger bibs
Umbrella stroller
Possibly - Crib and mattress (We have a hand-me-down crib that probably doesn't meet current safety standards but is still probably safe. If we got a new crib, we might need a new mattress.)

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