I was able to combine the next appointment with my ultrasound, but it will have to be after Thanksgiving. I was hoping to know the sex of my child by Thanksgiving, but oh well. In many ways it doesn't matter. The furnishings and gear we like are gender-neutral. I've already bought a couple of dinosaur onesies and a space-themed pair of pajamas for him/her. The child may eventually prefer tiaras and boas, but at first s/he will wear dinosaurs and planets. The heart rate was 156, so I still hold out some hope that the child is female. Otherwise, he would be a boy putting on the affect of femininity. Tiaras and boas, here he comes! :)
My blood pressure was still high. The first two tries were alarmingly high: 149/95. The last one was what it has been the last few visits: 135/85. My blood work confirmed I'm still A-, so I've got injections in my future. They gave me a seasonal and an H1N1 flu shot, too.
Matt was able to come with me this time. It wasn't a terribly exciting appointment. The next one should be better. At least he brought a book. :)
We did have fun after the appointment. We bought groceries and went to Walgreen's. Then we ate KFC! (There's not a KFC in Campbellsville.)
My day started early because I had true bad dreams about church camp. My first experience was pretty horrible, and yet I went back.
Since I was up early, I cleaned the kitchen a little. And as soon as Matt got out of bed, I made the bed, something I haven't bothered to do in years. I think I was proving that I was still the tidy girl I was my first week of camp. My husband probably wishes I was that tidy everyday.
My cold is finally better. I tried singing this morning with my mp3 player as I was cleaning. My voice is still raspy and cuts out on the higher notes. I typically have trouble with the lower notes of Leona Lewis' "Better in Time," but I hit those just fine. My mind and body acted like I could hit the higher notes I usually hit, but no sound came out. I was like a skipping record/cd. I haven't tried screaming since I saw the mutant cricket who died trying to get into the washing machine, but I kind of doubt my screamer is working. If I lived in a scary town, I'd need to buy a whistle to alert people to my need for help. My "woo-hoos" are a little puny still, but they're making progress.
Overall, it was a good day: singing, dancing, cleaning, peeing in a cup (urine tests give me test anxiety), getting shots, buying groceries, eating yummy chicken strips with mashed potatoes and coleslaw and a biscuit with honey. No wonder I'm tired!