
Friday, August 19, 2011

Technically, I Have a Cell Phone

Actually, I have two. I needed mobile communication for an outdoor wedding by the lake that I coordinated in June, so I got an LG 420g TracFone at Dollar General for $10. It was on sale and I had a coupon. I bought that model because you can read texts on the external screen without opening the phone and, more importantly, without being charged for incoming texts. It come with double minutes for life, so if I pay for 60 minutes, I get 120.  It's a flip phone, which keeps my pocket or purse from calling people without my knowledge, and it has a camera for picture messages and (slow) web access. It's a nice phone, but I don't use it often. I forget I have it and only remember to charge it every couple weeks. And I keep it set on vibrate so that it doesn't go off at inappropriate times. I haven't really given anyone my number, but I've set up my Google number (which most family members have) to forward message to my cell phone(s). I've also set up Facebook to forward direct messages as texts to my phone. So I can be reached a little more readily than I used to be as long I'm near my phone and it's charged.

So the first cheap phone was supposed to let me know if I want to be a regular cell phone user, which I obviously am not. So why did I get a second cell phone? Because it has a full qwerty keyboard and can install some apps. I got it as a toy. I worked about 100 hours this summer on an extra project and got a big check (to get new tires for our car). I figured I deserved a little something just for me (not tires), so I spent $20 on an LG 500g at Dollar General. I like it, especially the keyboard. It makes texting, web searching, and note taking so much easier. The LG 500g also has a built in MP3 player. I need to get a data cord to be able to use the MP3 player. I haven't bought extra minutes for it yet, so I'm mostly using it to take notes. I've got a grocery list saved on there. I've got a Research list and an Ideas list. I can also make voice recordings if I'm really brainstorming. I'm full of ideas sometimes. It can also do tasks and calendar, but I haven't played with those yet. That little cell phone could save all sorts of space in my purse and keep life organized. HA! :) Like the other phone, this phone is attached to my Google number. And like the other phone, I've got it set to vibrate and forget to charge it.

So technically I have cell phones, but actually I'm not much easier to get ahold of than I was before I had cell phones. So good luck, people! Call my Google number and maybe you'll reach me at home or on a cell phone. If I don't answer, leave a message, and it will be forwarded to my email, which I check at least once a day. Or send me a message on Facebook, which I check all the time and which will be forwarded to my cell phones.

An apology to those who are mostly interested in my garden. It's been so hot that I've been gardening at or after dusk, which is not a good time to take pictures. I will post a garden update soon.

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