
Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Six Weeks: Growing Strong

Yesterday Maggie turned 6 weeks old. She seems to be getting bigger every day. We'll find out exactly how much bigger at her 1-month well baby checkup on Friday. She has outgrown the Gerber newborn sleepers, which were the ones that fit her when she was first born. That brand runs smaller than others. She's still able to wear newborn size in other brands. She's also starting to wear 0-3 month clothes, which are reasonably loose but no longer ridiculous looking.  Other than some scary nose congestion a couple of weeks ago, she's done well. She still sleeps independently and has started sleeping 4+ hours at a time at night. Her growth is being fueled by cluster feeding all afternoon, mostly while Matt is teaching. Maggie is becoming more fun. She's starting to notice and interact with her surroundings. On Sunday Maggie was interested in my tablet while I was taking these pictures and tried to reach for it. On Monday she took interest in Lucy's wooden Melissa & Doug dog. I put the dog beside her while she was lying on Lucy's bed. Her eyes got big, and she began reaching for and touching the dog's face and cooing at it. When Lucy came to reclaim her dog, Maggie protested. Last night we went out in the late evening to enjoy the outdoors before the weather changed. While we were outside, I put her in Lucy's blue baby swing and pushed it gently. She seemed to like it. She held herself up well and looked around. She then fell asleep on my shoulder as the fireflies blinked around us.

Lucy is also getting bigger. She can now climb the Burger King play structure that says it's for ages 4+. The terrible twos seem to have ramped up. She's testing boundaries constantly. And her new-baby regression seems to be putting things in her mouth, eating paper and licking things. She is still very independent and has strong ideas about how things should be. Last week she wanted Matt to help her into the bath, but he was unavailable. She didn't want my help and started undressing herself. She has trouble getting her pants over her bottom, so I nudged them down for her. She spun around and said, "You no help me. Me pull pants back up." And that's just what she did. When she's not being difficult, she's enjoyable and even helpful. She wants to be helpful. I'm not sure what she was doing, but when I found her in her room a few days ago, she told me, "Me being helpful." She stacks the plates and bowls in the bottom rack when we unload the dishwasher. She likes to help with laundry, loading the washer, unloading the dryer, and sorting the clean clothes while I fold. She also wants to do things with me, so I'm trying to do more projects together, such as baking cookies or making breakfast. Lucy turned 2-3/4 last week, so I'm thinking ahead to what she needs to be able to do as a 3 year old, We're working on obedience, listening, answering questions, table manners, sitting still, and entertaining herself at end of meal and other times. Soon I plan to work on scissors skills and hope to work on potty training again.

I, fortunately, am not getting bigger. I'm not shrinking as fast as I'd like, but I'm not trying very hard. I have started going back to the pool with Lucy. I've been careful to take it easy, mostly just walking in the water while Lucy paddles around. If all is OK at my 6-week checkup tomorrow, I'll push myself more, perhaps swimming a few laps. I've also started cooking more. After people stopped bringing us meals, we lived mostly on fast food and frozen food. We're still eating a lot of that, but I'm trying to expand and improve our diets.

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