
Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Squash in the Annex

My weird (but wonderful) cardboard and plastic garden annex now has squash and zucchini planted in two cheap 7-quart plastic bowls.  I cut holes in the bottom of the bowls for drainage and so that roots can grow through if they need to.  I'm not sure how deep squash roots grow. I can use the bowls as planters again next year, and I can just put some garden fabric in the bottom to keep the soil in if the holes are too big for future use.  The bowls hold about as much soil as I would pile into a normal squash hill, so I thought they'd work.  They're at the far end of the annex, and when they get bigger they'll help hide the cardboard and plastic soil bags.

I had so much soil left over from the little bag I bought for the squash bowls that I started seeds for cucumber, butternut squash, acorn squash, and pumpkin, which I will transplant to more cheap plastic bowls that I plan to buy if the seeds sprout.  Those cucumber and winter squash bowls will go around the corner of the house by the trash can and water hose.  But because the hills are in plastic bowls, I can move them elsewhere if I need to.

Because today was cooler and partly cloudy, I let my indoor herbs and tomato seedlings stay outside all day.  The tomatoes loved it, but the herbs need to stay inside a bit longer. I'm hoping to eventually transplant some of my indoor herbs into the unopened soil bag in the annex.  I also have at least half a planter that I haven't planted yet. I like to keep my options open should I get the urge to plant something else.  Eventually, I'll plant a few turnips, probably in the long planter with the few beets that are already sprouting. I never need tons of any vegetable, but I like a wide variety.

1 comment:

  1. At the rate that I expand my garden, the entire house will be surrounded next year. If the university would take out the trees that are growing through our back deck, I'd put up a bunch of hanging planters. And I've seen this neat hanging herb garden planted in an over-the-door shoe organizer ( I LOVE shoe organizers and herbs and gardens. That project is perfect for me! I could hang it over the deck railing. It's a big railing, I could put out four or five organizers if I wanted. :) Or maybe I'll branch out into fruit bushes next year. Since I like planting things, I don't think my "home farming" will branch out into chickens. They don't plant so well. :)
