
Monday, November 8, 2010

Standard Time is Nice

In addition to gaining an hour by turning clocks back last Saturday night, I took long naps on Saturday and Sunday afternoons.  I was so perky today!  I took dirty dishes to work with me because after at least three months, our dishwasher still has not been fixed.  The church has two dishwashers, and they don't mind my using one occasionally.  A load of dishes is heavy, and I had to be careful not to break mugs and glasses when I set the basket down in the parking lot while I unlocked the car.  But I came home with clean dishes.  That made the rest of the kitchen look much more manageable.  Right now I'm waiting for Matt to wash a sink-full of dishes.  I got a dishwasher's load done at work and did another sink-full when I got home.  I decided it's his turn to wash some.  I told you I was feeling perky.  :)

After work I went to Big Lots (a.k.a. the happiest place on earth) to buy enough matching silverware for Thanksgiving dinner.  The set I bought cost only $20, which is just enough for a qualifying purchase toward my next 20% off coupon.  I've been thinking that I need to start planning Thanksgiving dinner.  I'm considering a turkey breast and a ham.  People who love dark meat might be a little disappointed, but as long as I make really moist turkey breast, they shouldn't mind too much.  Of course, there will be yeast rolls, stuffing, and sweet potato casserole.  Mashed potatoes are probably expected, but scalloped potatoes are great with ham.  Oooh!  Twice-baked potatoes!  I could make extra potatoes and serve baked potato soup for one meal.  I'll probably make the tandoori chicken for another meal.  The chicken and wild rice soup is always good and would work with leftover turkey.  I like planning.

I've done a lot of planning for my class tomorrow.  I still have some worksheets to grade tonight and a few homework questions to write, but I've got this week's classes planned.  I get another batch of paragraphs to grade tomorrow.  We're in the home stretch.  Their final paper is due the Tuesday after Thanksgiving.  The next week is finals week, and then grades are due.  I've been reviewing (free!) textbooks, researching electronic grading, and making plans for next semester.  I'm looking forward to a fresh start to see if my new plans work any better than the old ones.

I took a break from class prep to clean the kitchen a bit more.  I listened to my MP3 player, danced around, and put away dishes and food.  I'm pretty excited about the new shelf I built in the kitchen.  I think it's really going to help keep me organized.  If nothing else, it will give me another flat surface to clutter and perhaps relieve a section of counter space.

I've still got a few things on my to-do list for tonight, but I'm getting sleepy.  Maybe Monday Night Football is tranquilizing me.  The game has been exciting so far (blocked punt!), but I sleep really well during televised football games.  I think I'll take worksheets to bed and grade until I fall asleep.  If I don't get them all graded, I'll put them under my pillow and hope the Grading Fairy visits.  He probably won't do any grading, but I'd settle for waking up to an empty kitchen sink and a pile of clean dishes.

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