I started a post last Friday, but it started sprawling and never got finished. Lucy weighed 7 lbs., 7 oz. at her doctor's visit, a gain of 5.5 oz. in 7 days. It was short of the ounce a day goal but good enough to keep us from needing another weigh-in before her one month appointment. I realized the other day that I could weigh myself at home and h myself holding Lucy and see the difference to figure out how much she weighs. My scale measures in .2 pound increments, which is 3.2 oz. She weighed 7.8 lbs., which if correct means she gained 5 oz. In 5 days and is back up to birth weight. Hurray!
She's been insatiable at times recently. We're thinking it may be a growth spurt. It may also be a supply issue because I started pumping over the weekend. Or it might have been an unhappy coincidence that pumping and growth spurting happened at the same time. There have been a few times she's not been satisfied after taking all I had to offer, and Matt had to try to pacify her while we waited for me to make enough to feed her without frustrating her. It's been frustrating for everyone at times, but we think it's getting better.
Update since the last paragraph was written in the middle of the night: supply is a not an issue this morning. Lucy and I were so tired that we slept 6+ hours between feedings. Thank goodness for the natural automatic emergency pressure release valve (and breast pads). :) Bring on the growth spurt!