
Friday, January 20, 2012

A Fresh Start

Life was so busy last semester that I wasn't able to do many things that I wanted. I didn't make it to the pool all semester. I cooked far less than I'd like. Our house reached new levels of clutter and filth. And I just wasn't doing anything very well, including taking care of myself. So at the end of last semester I realized I needed to take a semester off from teaching. So that's what I'm doing. And it it fantastic! Almost all of our meals are home-cooked, and I'm trying out new recipes. Parts of the house are noticeably cleaner. I'm exercising more and have lost a very little weight. I'm working on scheduling swimming lessons, and I'm already planning my garden.

One of the other things I'm trying to do is blog more often. I figure I can write 140 characters a day on Twitter, so I added a Tweet a Day box to the side of my blog. If I post nothing else, at least you'll hear a little about what I'm thinking or doing.